We Investigate and Inform the Public

We Collaborate With Human Rights

We Collaborate With Media To Raise Awareness

We Will Continue to Demand Responsibility to Stop the Violence


Although we have made some significant progress in raising awareness of this issue, much remains to be done. The terrorist cartel in Mexico has been operating ruthlessly and has caused great suffering to our country.

Over these nearly four years, we have thoroughly investigated the cartel's activities and exposed its atrocities through detailed reports and victim testimony. We have worked closely with international human rights organizations and the media to disseminate this information and pressure the Mexican authorities to crack down on the cartel.

Our goal has been to raise awareness of the seriousness of the situation and mobilize the international community to support Mexico in its fight against the terrorist cartel. We have organized conferences, round tables, and awareness-raising events to educate people about the devastating impact of organized crime in Mexico.

Although we have faced challenges and obstacles along the way, we have made some significant progress. We have seen increased international media attention on the cartel crisis in Mexico, which has led to increased pressure on the Mexican government to take concrete action.

However, it is crucial to continue working hard to ensure that the problem of the terrorist cartel in Mexico is not forgotten and that effective measures are taken to combat it. We will continue to advocate for justice and security in Mexico and will continue to hold those responsible for these atrocities to account.

The terrorist cartel crisis in Mexico cannot be ignored. It is a problem that affects not only Mexicans, but also the international community in general. It is critical that we all work together to find lasting solutions and end this rampant violence.

Rhonita Vive AC gives violence victims access to justice

© 2023. Rhonita Vive.


Our mission is justice and security for all citizens of Mexico through legislative lobbying for changes in how cases are processed and by championing victims with guidance on how to pursue their own prosecution. We will also work with citizens and, local and federal, government to seek out and support effective solutions for better security in our communities.