
Our mission is justice and security for all citizens of Mexico through legislative lobbying for changes in how cases are processed and by championing victims with guidance on how to pursue their own prosecution. We will also work with citizens and, local and federal, government to seek out and support effective solutions for better security in our communities.

Donate for Justice

Every donation helps. Donate today to join our fight

One-time donations with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Card

Recurring and one-time donations with Paypal

To cancel your recurring donations, log into your Paypal account

Justice deserves a donation

Donate for Justice:

Every donation helps fund our initiatives and programs to promote a more equitable and accessible justice system. By donating, you are directly contributing to the fight for equality and justice for all.

Your donation can make a difference in the lives of many people who do not have access to adequate legal services. With your support, we can offer free legal assistance to those who need it most, provide educational resources about your legal rights, and advocate for changes to unfair laws and policies. Donate today and join our fight for a fairer judicial system.

Every donation, regardless of its size, is valuable and has a significant impact on our activities. Your contributions allow us to continue working on cases of injustice and promoting equal opportunities for all.

You can make your donation quickly and safely through our website, where you will find different options to contribute. You can also choose to make a monthly donation to provide us with continued support in our fight for justice. Do not wait any longer! Your donation can make a difference. Join us and help build a fairer and more equitable future for all.

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Do you want to become a recurring donor?

Thank you for considering becoming a recurring donor!

Your continued support is essential to help resolve outstanding cases and make a difference in the right direction.

Every donation, no matter how small, helps provide the funding needed to solve cases and help those who need it most.

Pending cases represent urgent situations that require financial assistance to be resolved.

By becoming a recurring donor, you will ensure that these cases are consistently addressed and that life-changing help can be provided to those affected.

Each solved case is a small step in the right direction, as it means someone has received the help they desperately needed. Your recurring donation will allow more cases to be resolved and more people to receive the help they deserve.

If you need help, you can contact our customer support team who will be happy to help you set up your recurring donation.

Remember that any amount helps and that your recurring donation can make a difference in someone's life.

Thank you for considering joining us in this important mission to help those who need it most.

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Rhonita Vive AC gives violence victims access to justice

© 2023. Rhonita Vive.