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"Rhonita Lives: Connecting with today's most relevant events."

In Memory of Rhonita LeBarón

Today, September 15th, what would have been our dear Rhonita’s 35th birthday, we come together to remember her with deep love and immense gratitude. Five years have passed since her tragic loss in the La Mora massacre, and although her absence remains a wound in our hearts, her legacy shines brighter than ever in our fight for justice and dignity.

Rhonita, with her courage and unconditional love, left us a lesson that we cherish every day. The tragedy of her passing drove us to establish "Rhonita Vive," a tribute to her indomitable spirit and our firm decision to follow in her footsteps. Her kindness and passion for her community continue to be the guiding light of our work and our mission.

Today, more than ever, we remember you, Rhonita, with the affection and tenderness you always gave us. We miss you with all our hearts and carry you in our hearts, knowing that your spirit lives on in every act of justice and every effort for a better world.

From the "Rhonita Vive" foundation, we offer you a heartfelt tribute, celebrating not only your wonderful life but also the positive impact you have left on all of us. The fight for truth and justice continues, and your legacy remains our most cherished inspiration.

Happy birthday, Rhonita! We love you, miss you deeply, and you will always be with us every step of the way.

"Honoring the Past, Fighting for the Future"

On this September 15th, as we celebrate Mexico's independence, we come together to reflect on the courage, unity, and resilience that defined the struggle for our nation's freedom. This day not only commemorates the bravery of the heroes who, with unwavering courage, faced unimaginable adversities to achieve independence, but also the enduring spirit of struggle that lives on in each of us.

Today, amidst our celebrations, we also unite around the "Rhonita Vive" event, which represents an act of justice and a tribute to Rhonita’s memory. In this context, we reflect on how her legacy and life continue to inspire us to fight for what is right. The pursuit of justice and the defense of truth are causes that, like our nation’s independence, require determination and an unwavering commitment to our principles and values.

This September 15th, while we wave our flags and remember the sacrifices made by those who gave us our homeland, we also recognize the importance of keeping hope alive. Hope drives us to move forward, face challenges with courage, and come together as a community in the quest for a more just and equitable world.

The fight for truth and peace does not end with a holiday; it is an ongoing endeavor that carries the same fervor with which our ancestors fought for our independence. May the spirit of unity and resilience we celebrate today inspire us to continue defending what is just, to keep the memory of those who preceded us alive, and to work together to build a future where justice and dignity prevail.

Long live justice, long live Rhonita’s memory, and long live the community that, with courage and hope, defends what is right and seeks a better future for all!

Fentanyl Awareness Day

Fentanyl Awareness Day focuses on educating the public about the dangers of this devastating drug, a powerful opioid that is within reach of anyone and has been linked to countless overdose deaths. Fentanyl does not discriminate; it destroys lives, families, and entire communities.

This day calls us to reflect on the urgent need to prevent further tragedies through awareness, remembering the lives lost, and supporting affected communities. It is crucial that we all understand the severity of this crisis and work together to protect those we love.

Each of us has a role in this fight, whether by sharing information, supporting those affected, or simply speaking out about the risks. Together, we can make a difference and save lives. 🫶💜

Adrián LeBarón Takes a Replica of the Dolores Bell to Alaska

Adrián LeBarón is currently taking a replica of the Dolores Bell, a symbol of freedom and independence of our beloved Mexico, to the State of Alaska as a symbol of identity and pride.

The Fundación Honor y Causa Internacional has taken several replicas to many parts of the world.

"Freedom is carried in the soul and in the heart. When you can be a source of inspiration, you should not hesitate to give the best of ourselves."

"This April 16, 2024."

"Adrián and Julián LeBaron's impactful participation in the 'Actions for Peace' forum, organized by Coparmex."

"On April 15, 2024, the LeBaron family, accompanied by the Searching Mother Ceci Flores, went to file a terrorism report."

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Our mission is justice and security for all citizens of Mexico through legislative lobbying for changes in how cases are processed and by championing victims with guidance on how to pursue their own prosecution. We will also work with citizens and, local and federal, government to seek out and support effective solutions for better security in our communities.






Rhonita Vive AC gives violence victims access to justice

© 2023. Rhonita Vive.