Our Story

On November 4th, 2019, the tragic incident known as the La Mora Massacre occurred in northern Mexico. A convoy of vehicles belonging to a family from the community of La Mora, which is predominantly made up of American-Mexican dual citizens, was ambushed by a criminal group while traveling through a remote region.

The attackers opened fire on the vehicles, leading to the deaths of three women and six children, including infants. The victims were brutally gunned down and some of the vehicles were set on fire. The massacre shocked both Mexico and the international community, highlighting the violence and danger posed by criminal organizations in certain parts of the country. The incident shed light on the broader issue of cartel violence and insecurity in Mexico.

We refuse to live in a country where our lives and the lives of our loved ones can be taken by cartel violence. We reject a government that succumbs to corruption and bribery. We refuse to stay silent as our communities and our nation crumble. It's time for all of us, as citizens, to take a stand and demand real change. We cannot allow these acts of terror to become the norm.

We cannot allow impunity to prevail. We need Justice and Security. It's time to unite as a society and say enough. Enough of the violence, enough of the corruption, enough of cartel control. We demand a strong and courageous government that confronts this crisis and takes effective measures to eradicate it. We cannot allow the memory of the victims of the La Mora Massacre to be forgotten. We cannot allow their lives to be in vain.

Rhonita Vive AC gives violence victims access to justice

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