about Us

We ask that you join our fight to save our nation. As citizens of Mexico it is our honor, right and responsibility to take care of our mother country. As citizens of the world we must fight terrorism. If the world does not rise up against the Terrorist Cartels, Mexico will cease to exist.

Our fight is access to justice for victims of cartel violence and organized crime.

We seek to end impunity and demand that justice be done for all victims. 

We want those responsible for these acts of violence and terrorism to be investigated and punished.

We believe in the importance of international collaboration to combat this problem. Terrorism knows no borders, so we need the support of the international community to eradicate this threat.

Our goal is to raise awareness about the situation in Mexico and put pressure on the authorities to take concrete steps in the fight against terrorism. We cannot allow our nation to be controlled by cartels and live in a constant state of fear.

We invite you to join our fight, raise your voice and demand change. Together we can make a difference and achieve a safe Mexico free of terrorism.


Our mission is justice and security for all citizens of Mexico through legislative lobbying for changes in the way cases are prosecuted and advocating for victims with guidance on how to pursue your own prosecution. We will also work with citizens and federal and local governments to find and support effective solutions to improve safety in our communities.


Our vision is to build a Mexico where all citizens live in peace and security, where justice is accessible and equitable for all.

We want a country where crime victims are heard and supported in their search for justice, and where legislative changes are implemented to improve the efficiency and transparency of the justice system.

In addition, we seek to strengthen collaboration between citizens, and the local and federal governments to find effective solutions that promote safety in our communities and provide an environment conducive to the development and well-being of all.

Vision statement

We want a Mexico where justice is guaranteed for all citizens, where crimes do not go unpunished, and where those responsible are effectively and transparently prosecuted. We aspire to have citizens fully trust their local and federal police and government, knowing that they are working together with them to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

We want to build a society in which the values of justice, trust, and collaboration are fundamental in achieving a safer and fairer Mexico for all its inhabitants.

Rhonita Vive AC gives violence victims access to justice

© 2023. Rhonita Vive.

What Is Happening in Mexico

In the last 15 years, Mexico's murder rates have risen to historical highs with almost 100 murders averaged per day.  These numbers have increased by 76% since 2015.  In addition to murders, there are often under-reported and unaccounted for numbers of disappearances, kidnappings, extortion, and other violent acts.  To compound this damage, the impunity rate is at 98%, making justice in Mexico ever more elusive.

The leading factor is the growing power of Mexican drug cartels in every aspect of local life, government, and the economy. Threats and huge acts of violence are used to control local and federal government agents; extortion is holding businesses and the economy hostage; and the escalating number of murders and disappearances is creating enough fear that it has left the country paralyzed. Mexican Drug Cartels are part of a growing nearly 50 billion dollar a year industry that primarily feeds the US drug health crisis.

T​his problem may seem too big to solve, but it is too big not to solve...insecurity is the number one cause of deaths, disappearances, and forced migration from every community in Mexico.  Every act of courage and good brings about another…together we can inspire the change that will save a nation.  Somos más los buenos.

 R​honitaVIVE also colaborates and helps fund other organizations such as Madres Busacadoras, Padres de Ninos con Cancer, and other coalitions that are fighting to bring back the rule of law in Mexico.

Please help us in our fight for a better Mexico by donating through our website rhonitavive.com 100% of Donations go towards victims' access to justice.

To read more about our story and see current projects, cases and all other info please visit our website at rhonitavive.com


Our mission is justice and security for all citizens of Mexico through legislative lobbying for changes in how cases are processed and by championing victims with guidance on how to pursue their own prosecution. We will also work with citizens and, local and federal, government to seek out and support effective solutions for better security in our communities.