How We Fight

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Murders in Mexico 2004-2013

Murders in Mexico 2014-2024


Our main objective is to make society aware of the serious situation we face due to the presence and power of drug cartels. These criminal groups are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also commit a wide range of crimes, including extortion, kidnapping, murder, and corruption.

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Our team of attorneys, professionals, and media personnel are dedicated to providing personalized representation.

We work closely together to identify cases where we can provide help and support. We carefully analyze each case and create strategies tailored to the individual needs of the victims.

We provide emotional support and practical assistance, and where possible legal representation.


Although we have made some significant progress in raising awareness of this issue, much remains to be done. The terrorist cartel in Mexico has been operating ruthlessly and has caused great suffering to our country.

Over the years, we have thoroughly investigated the cartel’s activities and exposed its atrocities through detailed reports and victim testimony. We have worked closely with international human rights organizations and the media to disseminate this information and pressure the Mexican authorities to crack down on the cartel.


It is critical to recognize that Rhonita and her children were the victims of a heinous and heartless act that cannot go unpunished. Unfortunately this case is not isolated. There are many other people who also face significant obstacles in accessing justice.

Our justice system must be an effective and accessible mechanism for all, regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, economic situation or any other personal characteristic. However, the reality is that many victims are unable to access the legal resources and services necessary to seek justice and redress.

Up-Coming Initiatives

Día Escolar De La No Violencia Y La Paz

Día Escolar De La No Violencia Y La Paz

Que mejor que inculcar desde pequeños la cultura de la paz. El #DíaEscolarDeLaNoViolenciaYLaPaz es una buena oportunidad para que en la niñez y la adolescencia se siembren las herramientas para aprender a resolver conflictos de forma no violenta y que comprendan que...

Artesanos de la Paz

Artesanos de la Paz

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Dia Internacional de las Victimas del Holocausto

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